

108 Ruesi - ฤษี, พระฤาษี,

Author's note; The number 108 does not mean that there are only 108 Ruesi - the word 108 is used to indicate "lots of"...in Thailand it is a common phrase used to mean an uncountable number.The number one hundred and eight is of course a sacred number in Buddhist tradition.

The Ruesi; The Ruesis, or Rasi/Lersi or even as they are also called "Rishi",

Ruesi is a word used to call people who posess mind powers, who practise the development

of mind and it's powers in various aspects.

Even the Lord Buddha Himself recieved teachings from the Ruesi.

Sidhatta only left the schooling philosophy of the Ruesi, because it wasn't going to lead him to Enlightenment,

rather only to a higher level of the heavenly realms, a favourable rebirth that leaves one reborn as an Angel or an Archangel

Buchiwagoemarapat was the healing Master Ruesi who served as doctor to the Buddha Sakyamuni.

The Ruesi are known to have attained various supernatural mind powers, such as;

The Ability to Float and See the Future

The Ability to heal with forest herbs, voice powers, talk with animals, read minds, and even teleportation.

Another translation for the word Ruesi, would be "Seer" -the author suggests also the word Wizard, as the Ruesi also made use of Magic Spells using a stick to cast with,

just as does the Wizard who is to be found in Western Mythologies.

The word Ruesi is associated with the thought of a secretive, mysterious hermit-like person who lives a solitary existence and dwells in a cave, the forest or in the mountains. The real meaning of the word Ruesi, is "Seer", meaning one with special abilities to see things that normal humans cannot percieve. Such as vision of the three times (Past, Present & Future events). Such an ability os called Trigalachan, meaning "he who knows the three timesspheres. the oldest Sanskrit Myths and texts do not record how far back the existence of the Ruesi goes, but the Buddhist texts have a record known referring to the Buppaeniwaasaanusathiyan - of the Ruesi and that of the Buddha, and how they differ. (Buppaeniwaasaanusathiyan means the ability to remember previous incarnations).

Ruesi can allegedly only remember up to a limit of eighty past lives, whereas the Buddha could remember as far back as it is possible to imagine, an endless number of lives that cannot be counted.This text also heralds the Buddha as being the superior Being and much higher than any Ruesi. There is a comment in the taerakata of the Khuttaga Nigay saying "The Great Lord Buddha is the Ruesi who is most perfect and attained of all the Ruesi". Therefore suggesting that the Buddha was also a Ruesi, albeit the most highest of all. The creation of the great "Ruekawaes" (Rigveda) 500 years ago, was accredited to the Ruesi.

Lord Shiva, in fact was also a Ruesi.

There are four main Categories for Ruesi, where each of the four types have differing qualities;

• 1.Racharuesi

• 2.Prahmaruesi

• 3.Taeworuesi/Tepruesi

• 4.Maharuesi


the fIrst and lowest class, exist under the normal rules of Nature and don'tt posess any special powers that normal humans do not posess.

The only differ in the fact that they are beginning to attempt to practise the laws of the Ruesi and open one's mind.


This class of Ruesi may attain a rebirth as a Prahma, which are Angelic Beings of the Higher Heavenly Realms.

This Ruesi class have practised industriously their vows and have attained enough merit to recieve supernatural abilities and Incredibly strong powers.


Apart form having attained the aforementioned special powers, this class of Ruesi have an incredible intelligence, and extremely powerful Magical spells

Magic is intensely present in such kind of Ruesi.

There is a further dividing of these four categories of Ruesi into eight other types. I shall explain the nature of each type in short for you.

They are listed as such;

• Pra Sitaa

• Pra Yokii (Yogi)

• Pra Munii

• Pra Daabos (Dabasa)

• Chadin (Chadila)

• Nak Sit

• Nak Prot (Paratha)

• Prahm (Brahma)

A Ruesi who manages to incorporate all the qualities of these eight types of Ruesi, is then considered to be "Samrej" (completeley developed).Such a Ruesi will have revoked all self centeredness and has freed himself from all worldly attachments.

This kind of Ruesi will see the nature of reality with his eyes closed, he will have complete "Sila" (ascetic vows), know what actions are meritorious and which are causes of negative results.He understands the laws of karma completely and acts wisely in accordance, and therefore develops no negative causes/effects in his future existences.

This eightfold Ruesi will have passed the Sodaban level of consciousness, have divine minde, eyes and ears.This is the meaning of "Samrej".In the life immediately following this incarnation, the Ruesi will be reborn in the "Prohm" (Brahmic) level of the heaven (in the west we refer to this as seventh heaven - the phrase is obviously originating from the Hindu Vedas and Buddhist texts, as this is the seventh level of heaven.In this level of Heaven, there is no suffering, and the beings there partake of pleasure and peaceful existence. But this is not the end of the journey for such a being - the Ruesi will then continue his/her spiritual and mental development to rise even further to higher levels and beyond the realms of our imagination.

The meaning of each of the 8 types of special Ruesi is as follows;

Pra Sita - means a Ruesi who has special qualities of goodness and ethical values. Such a Ruesi will abide in mountain ranges, and caves that may be found therein, this place between the sun and the earth (mountains) is where he finds it comfortable to live.

Pra Yokii means "he who is in completion", or a practicant of "Sangyoke" (Yoga). This kind of Ruesi will wander in the forest or mountains leading a solitary existence refusing all comforts and putting himself/herself through various trials and sufferings in order to attain a higher consciousness.

Pra Munii means "one of the Brahmin group who is maintaining extreme effort to acheive spiritual/magickal accomplishments.Pra Munii Ruesis will acheive a high lecel of wisdom, knowledge and abilities through their diligent study and practise. This Ruesi is of the intellectual variety.

Pra Daabod (Dabasa) means "he who practises self control and actions to accomplish great merit".This type of Ruesi maintains an effort to cut the cords of selfishness and attachment (Gilesa) through self infliction of renunciation of pleasures and undergoing physical and mental hardships (self torture) in order to enter the world of bliss that is the result of meritorious action through self denial and renunciation of worldly pleasures.

Chadin (Chadila) a Ruesi who likes to wind his hair up in a mound on top of his head (like the "babas" you can observe in India to this day).

Their beards and moustaches are unruly, uncombed and rather uncared for.These Ruesi do not like a cleanly orderly life - they wander around in the forests and outbacks.They are considered to be Brahmins.

Nak Sit means a half Angelic (Divine) half Human being, that has "Sila" (spiritual vows/vocational behaviour).These beings love truthful speech that leads to true understanding and knowledge.They have a deeply ingrained feeling for justice and righteousness, and like to lend help to people who have fallen into great hardship and suffering.They reside in open, pure and empty places, ranging from the sun and space right down to the human realms on this planet.There are many hundreds of thousands of these beings roaming around the heavens looking for entry points to come down to earth and help the Humans in distress (Bodhissattwa like beings indeed).

Nak Prot means a Ruesi who keeps his vows of renunciation and "Sila" with great perseverance, never allowing himself to slip in his promise to keep the vows of purity.These beings like to reside in mountai caves, forests and places where magick herbs grow, they never let people see them and remain hidden from the eyes of Humans.

Prahm (Brahma) means "Brahmin" a Brahmin has a lot of similarity with Ruesi in any case.Disinterested in the world outside oneself, and belief in the necessity to go out and lend aid to Beings in distress and in need of help is central to their practises.Brahmins tend to reside and meet in groups in the vicinity of Divine and sacred places.When someone asks for a Brahmin to come and help to initiate a ceremony,whether it be a Ceremony for the Ruesi, or Angelic beings or other Divinities, the Brahmin will come and set up the Ceremony at no cost or need of repayment in any manner (this is in the present day unfortunately not true anymore, the tradition has been destroyed by the modern society which has made it impossible to exist without the transfer of money).In brief,Brahmins love to help other beings in any way and when not in the service of living Beings, they return to their pracitse of renunciation of pleasures and keeping opf vows of renunciation and purity (Sila).

The Vedas

There are four Vedas, the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The Vedas are the primary texts of Hinduism. They also had a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Traditionally the text of the Vedas was coeval with the universe. Scholars have determined that the Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C., and codified about 600 B.C. It is unknown when it was finally committed to writing, but this probably was at some point after 300 B.C. The Vedas contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India. Along with the Book of the Dead, the Enuma Elish, the I Ching, and the Avesta, they are among the most ancient religious texts still in existence. Besides their spiritual value, they also give a unique view of everyday life in India four thousand years ago. The Vedas are also the most ancient extensive texts in an Indo-European language, and as such are invaluable in the study of comparative linguistics.

Ruesi Por Gae Thai fai - ฤษี พ่อแก่ ตาไฟ

There are many Legends about many different Ruesi. One of the Ruesi to be found so often mentioned in Thai Mythology, is Por Gae Ruesi Thai Fai.

The legend of Higher beings has been told in different Mythologies and Cultures around the world.

In Thailand there are also various legends of "Pu Wisaed"or Ruesi , Arhants or Yogis.

These Ruesi are said to have posessed various powers, such as;knowledge of Herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities such as floating, teleportation and mindreading powers.

These beings with special powers are reputed to have lived recluse lives in the forest, on mountains, or in caves; practising meditative skills and mental development using secret methods passed on from mouth to ear by their foregoers/masters.

Most tradtional Ruesi respect the Pantheon of Higher Beings according to the Brahmin tradition.

Namely; Lord Brahma Shiva and Vishnu. Most Ruesi practice the development of power and evocation/invocation

( gasin/peng กสิณ หรือ เพ่ง)

the word peng means in principle to "stare", but in this case it really means to insert or transform matter or substance whether it be physical element or spiritual element.

Bpataweegasin (ปฐวีกสิณ), for example means to project earth element into a target/object. Bpatawee (ปฐวี) means Earth.

Aabpoegasin (อาโปกสิณ) means to stare/project water (aabpe means water element) - one technique used for example to master the evocation of water element would be to obtain clear water, such as rain water for example, and fill a clean container with it.(not to the brim)After this meditate and stare ate the water until the inner experience of absorbtion with water occursonce mastered the use of this mind evocation in conjunction with the kata "Aabpoegasinang" (อาโปกสิณัง) will enable the master to evoke water element into another element , such as earth. This is in fact the technique used for Kong rapan/maha ud, which is the effect of making a bullet harmless or a gun refuse to go off when the trigger is pulled.The solid (earth element0 object is turned into a soft watery element, and thus becomes harmless It is possible to evoke not only elements such as earth water fire and air, but also colors.

Through Yogic mind development and the use of gasin and amnaj (power - อำนาจ), the Ruesi have developed abilities such as being able to walk on the surface of the water (by evoking earth element into the water and transforming it to make it a hard surface over the spot where the ruesi is currently standing). in the same way, one could also dive under the earth too, or float in the air, transport oneself instantly from one place to the other for example.

This is probably what the ancient Alchemists (such as saint Germain) of the mediaeval Era were attempting to do.other abilities acheived include divine ears and eyes (ability to see and hear things in other spheres/dimensions), read minds, and tell the future.

Por Gae a Buddhist?

Because of the evidence pointing to the Ruesi Por Gae Tha Fai having played an important role in the creation of the "Pra Sum Gor Amulet, it is evident that Por Gae respected the Buddhist faith.

he can be supposed to have been an extremely important figure in the land because the Pra Sum Gor statue and amulets were made in what is believed to have been a rather large cermony, probably a royal Ceremony because the filigrain detail of the statue and amulets indicate a major event.

Por Gae is also known as Ruesi Isworn (ishwara), because it is considered that Ruesi tha Fai is an incarnation of the Divinity Shiva/Isworn - the third eye is a symbol thereof.


One of the most well heard of Ruesi in Thailand's pantheon of Ruesi figures is that of

Por Gae Ruesi Tha Fai (พ่อแก่ฤษีตาไฟ)Por Gae Ruesi Thai Fai appears in numerous legends and Myths as well as historical documents.

For example in the history of the arisal of the Province of Petchaburn, there is a famous story that tells that the King/Rulerof petchaburn in that time had learned Sorcery with Ruesi Tha Fai.

But after he recieved the teachings and knowledge, he planned to kill his own master Por Gae Ruesi Thai fai!

As a result Por Gae Ruesi cast a curse on the Province of Petchaburn, and a great plague resulted in leaving the whole province almost void of living inhabitants.

พระท่ากระดาน Pra ta gradan

Another occurence of Por Gae Ruesi Tha fai in Thai legends is that of the creation of the Pra Ta Gradan amulet;This amulet is from Wat ta Gradan (on of the three main temples in kanjanaburi province on the banks of the river Kwae (or Kwai as farang tend to call it - to the great amusement of Thais).

Pra ta Gradan amulets are inclined to have red eyes (suggesting fire eyes as is the meaning of "Thai fai" (Tha fai means fire eye/s).The facial traits of many examples of Pra ta gradan are also very similar to the facial aspects of Ruesi.

พระกรุถ้ำเสือ Pra Gru tam Suea

พระซุ้มกอ Pra Sum Gor/Ta Gradaan พระ ท่ากระดาน

Apart from this, Por Gae Tha fai is also reputed to have had a part in the creation of the Pra Sum Gor Amulet; The legend tells that fwhen this amulet was in the making, there were four different Ruesi presiding over it's creation. Namely;Pra Ruesi Pilaalay (พระฤษีพิลาไลย) Pra Ruesi Tha Fai (พระฤษีตาไฟ), Pra Ruesi Narod (พระฤษีนารอท), and Pra RuesiGaiyagost (พระฤษีไกยโกษฐ์).

This Amulet is counted as one of thge five "Pra Benjapakee" amulets wich are reputed to have an age of not less than one thousand years.

because of the documented evidence appearing in various historical recordings related to the creation of these amulets, and the fact that all of the aforementioned amulets date back to more that one thousand years ago, it can be assumed that Por gae Ruesi tha fai really existed, and that he lived at least one thousand years ago, if not more than that. Because of the ability of Ruesi to live for hundreds of years, it cannot be known how far back his appearances go... M y master Ajarn Thoy, who is a medium for the presence of Por Gae ruesi tha fai, says that Por Gae was around two thousand years ago - meaning that this Ruesi may have been able to extend his lifespan for up to one thousand years, if the accounts relating to the creation of the aforementioned amulets are true.

This extreme extension of lifespan is also accredited to the great alchemist St. germain, who in principle learned the very sam methods of elemental transformation and evocation as the Ruesi. In principle the Ruesi were also alchemists, becasue of their ability to transform one element into another.

The Legend of Ruesi Tha Fai from the city of Sri Taep (Wichiar Buri)


In the City of Sri Taep in Petchaburn there is an ancient legend referring to Por Gae Ruesi tha fai; The legend tells that the Ruler of Sri Taep was a devoted disciple of Por Gae Ruesi Tha Fai, and that he studied magical powers and meditation with Por Gae until Por Gae Ruesi had placed complete respect and faith in the loyalty of his student.

ที่เมืองศรีเทพ จ.เพชรบูรณ์ ก็มีตำนานเรื่องการสร้างบ้านแปงเมืองและการล่มของเมืองอันมีความเกี่ยวข้องกับพระฤษีตาไฟ เป็นเรื่องที่น่าสนใจมาก โดยตำนานเมืองศรีเทพเล่าว่า แต่เดิมกษัตริย์เมืองศรีเทพนั้นเป็นลุกศิษย์ของ พระฤษีตาไฟ ร่ำเรียนวิชาความรู้ทุกอย่างจนพระฤษีตาไฟมีความ ไว้วางเป็นอย่างมาก กระทั่งในที่สุดได้พาไปดูของวิเศษภายในถ้ำ ซึ่ง ไม่มีใครได้พบได้เห็นแต่ก่อน

There came one day where Por Gae invited his student the Ruler of Sri taep to accompany him to the depths of the cave where Ruesi Por Gae Tha Fai practised his meditative powers and develop Jhanas.Inside this cave there were two hidden wells.These wells were of a magical nature; If a person would immerse himself in the first well, he would be consumed by the well and die, leaving only a skeleton to prove the person had ever been.The second well had the miraculous quality of turning things to gold - if a person immersed himself he would be suddenly turned to gold.But the second well also had the second quality of being able to reanimate a person who had died in the first well.Taking the skeleton and immersing it in the second well would revive the person to the world of the living.

Because the Ruesi Por Gae had always been of an extremely inquisitive nature, he wanted to try the wells' powers out to see if they worked, and show this to his beloved student; he ordered his student hte ruler of Sri Taep to stand watch .In case of Por Gae being fried to death in the first well, his student should take his skeleton and immerse it in the second of the 2 magical wells, and revive the Ruesi to life again.

Once agreed on this, Por Gae proceeded to jump into the first well - the inquisitive Ruesi was consumed in a flash, leaving nothing remaining except his scorched skeleton

His apprentice however, instead of acting according to Por Gae's request, upon seeing that Por Gae was no more, the greatly loved and trusted student unfaithfully gathered his belongings and fled from the cave, because he thought that once his master was gone, he would be the most powerful entity in the region, and that no one should be able to bring harm on him now.

He should never need to fear anyone ever again after this.After a long time had passed, the Ruesi Tha Wua (cow eyes Ruesi พระฤษีตาวัว), who was an intimate friend and colleague of Ruesi Por Gae Tha Fai, began wondering what on earth could have happened to his friend Por Gae, as he had heard absolutely nothing from him for an extremely long time.He had never disappeared for such a long time till now, so Tha Wua thought that something must be wrong somehow.So Ruesi Tha Wua used supernatural powers to hover in the air, and flew to the cave of Por Gae Ruesi Tha Fai to see what was wrong.Once he got there, he journeyed deep into the depths of the cave until he discovered the skeletal remains of Por Gae in the divine well of acid. Ruesi Tha Wua understood immediately what had happened and dragged por Gae's skeleton out of the well and took it to the second well of revival and immersed his remains in the well.

Por Gae was revived and came back to life.Once recovered back to his normal self, Por Gae Ruesi told the story of what had happened to Ruesi Tha Wua, along with recounting his anger and disappointment in his apprentice. Por Gae felt extremely angry and vengeful, so he chanted a kata to invoke and create a cow of extremely large proportions, and inserted deadly poison inside the belly of the cow.He cast yet another spell to transport the cow to the center of the City of Sri Taep; nobody in the town even suspected what was in store for them in the stomach of this oversize cow.Once it was dark and the city gates had been locked from within, the magical cow began to groan and roar - and the stomach of the cow exploded, releasing the poison throughout the City of Sri Taep.

The Ruler of the City realized immediately that his Master had been revived, but it was too late as in the moment he realized the last citizen of Sri Taep was screaming his dying breath, and the Ruler was breathing in the very same poison as he heard the screams.Sri Taep became a ghost town, void of life.

Such tales that are to be found in Thai history and mythology seem to indicate not just that Por Gae Ruesi Tha fai really existed, but also that he wasn't just a local village magician, but a great wizard with extremely strong spells and powers.Por Gae Ruesi Thai Fai has been revered by ancient people and is still revered by modern Thai people in both the Buddhist and Brahmin religions. Admittedly, Por Gae is more evident in the Brahmin tradition, but considering that Thai Buddhism is strongly influenced and oriented towards the brahmin faith, it is also evident that the Ruesi in Thailand were/are devoted to the Buddha as well as the brahmin pantheon of divinities (Shiva Vishnu and Brahma).

The Ruesi have evidently practised elemental powers and control of the aforesaid elemental powers, as well as mind control, meditation and developing their consciousness.The only thing remaining that they did not do was become ordained as Monks of the Buddhist sangha, but still fulfilled all the requisites of ordination, and a lot more too.The Ruesi were called to be present and take part in nearly all important Buddhist ceremonies of historyIt is therefore considered that the Ruesi are to be revered and considered a great blessing to pay respects to, and is considered to be a connectiing with the lineage of our ancient forefathers and teachers of old.

Sri Taep is now a protected national heritage. It is now in the form of ruins that were discovered
pictures left and above;The ancient city of Sri taep

พ่อแก่ ฤาษี ตาไฟ Ruesi Por Gae, Lord shiva & the third eye

The name Por Gae is a rather mysterious thing, due to the fact that his presence has been mentioned in various times over the past thousand years or so.Ruesi Por Gae's legend is sometimes seen to be related to Hlwong Phu Taep Loke Udorn, who is another mysterious character who results in being extremely difficult to trace his existence.Their legends have many factors in common; one of these factors is the ability to cause fire to arise from a simple glance, due to having acheived samabhati (ฌานสมาบัติ - Chaan Samaabat in Thai), and having practised gasin fai (the control of the element of fire).The images/statues created in likeness of Pra Ruesi Por Gae Tha Fai can be seen to have three eyes, the third in the center of the forehead.According to the legend, whenever Ruesi Por Gae would open the third eye, flames would arise in the line of sight of his third eye.According to both Brahmin and Buddhist beliefs, the posession of a third eye is the result of having practised self control and renunciation over a period of many thousands of lifetimes. Such a meritorious person is recognized at birth by observing various signs that can be found on the body of the person; one of these signs is the form of an Unalome - อุนาโลม in the center of the forehead (Unalome means a spiral shape). The unalome is seen as a sign of the third eye, or divine eye. It is believed that Ruesi Por Gae Tha Fai is also the Avatar (earthly incarnation) of the lord of the world (Siva, or Ishvara - in Thai known as Pra Isworn or Pra Siwa).

Above pic; Pra Isworn recieves the Yaksa demon Nontuk

who asked for the blessing of a diamond finger (From Ramakian epic) This painting is from the murals in the temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Royal Palace, Bangkok

Lord Shiva is one of the three lords of Heaven in Brahmin cosmology, and is considered to be the highest of the three due to the fact that he has never fully incarnated as a human being, only sending parts of himself as messengers, teachers or agents of his doing.Lord Shiva, or "Pra isworn" if you like, is believed to have a third eye in the center of his forehead.This third eye is synchronymous with the third eye of Por Gae. An additional factor that is synonymous with Siva (or Shiva) and Por Gae is the fact that whenever Shiva opened his third eye, whatever was in the sightpath of the eye would be consumed in flame.For this reason Thai people believe that Pra Ruesi Tha Fai is a manifestation of an aspect of Pra Isworn (พระอิศวร - Shiva). Thai people believe that Pra Iswornmanifests as Ruesi Tha Fai in order to be a teacher for the sake of Humankind.Shiva is the supreme Ruesi of all Ruesi.

About Lord Shiva

Shiva or Siva is the Hindu God of Destruction and Change. Shiva is part of the Hindu Trinity along with Vishnu “The preserver” and Brahma “The Creator”. Shiva destroys the world which Brahma then in turn creates and then the cycle repeats (Gruenwald). Shiva not only represents change as destruction, but also positive change; for example, breaking out of bad habits. Shiva is also seen as representing Truth, Beauty and the most essential Goodness. Shiva has had two wives, Shakti and Parvarti; He is also the father of two other Hindu Gods, Ganesha and Kartikeya. Shiva lives atop Mount Kailasa in the Himalayas (Narasimhachary) .

Shiva is said to have sprung from the head of Brahma in the form of Rudra and separated into male and female in order to show the mercy of God. He has the potential to bring great destruction, while on the other hand but he can be kind and forgiving (Bowes).

Shiva is a god who exhibits many facets of his personality, some of which are pleasant and some that are not so pleasant (Sherrat).

Shiva has five major forms and five major energies.

-Aghora- Shiva in cremation grounds, most often associated with death and mourning. (Gruenwald)

-Ishana- The form of Shiva symbolizing that which is invisible yet omnipresent. (Gruenwald)

-Tat Purasha- Signifies the power of meditation (Shiva is the God most associated with meditation, yogis and celibacy). (Gruenwald)

-Varna Deva- Represents Shiva's immortality and is also know as eternal Shiva. This form also signifies the repetitiveness of the cycle between destruction and preservation. (Gruenwald)

-Saddyojat or Braddha Rudra- Represensents Shivas destructive wrathful side and is the form Shiva takes when people do not follow Karma. (Gruenwald)

These five forms are all depicted in sixth five-headed form of Shiva known as Panchavaktra. (Gruenwald).

Other names and manifestations are: Bhairava, Daksinamurti, Mahesa, Nataraja, Nrtyanatha, Rudra, Sadasiva, Yogi, Linga (Michaels).

Ruesi with Animal heads


There are many different types and classifications of Ruesi, who are believed to exist on differing levels/worlds. The most animal headed Ruesi are classified as "Ruesi Chan taep" (ฤษีชั้นเทพ), meaning "Angelic" or "Divine" level Ruesi. The three Ruesi in the picture below are (from left to right;

Ruesi Na Ling (monkey), Ruesi Na Nuea (deer) and Ruesi Na Suea (tiger). They each have of course their own story - scroll down the page to read about them

The story of these three ruesi is coming soon - i am in the process of writing, please return later and re-check this page for updates. the ruesi section is steadily growing as i re-edit, so please remember to chack back often as the pages will grow and recieve constant additions as i work more on the subject

Ruesi Na Suea ฤษีหน้าเสือ

This ruesi is also known as Boromakruu Jao Samingpray.The famous master monk Hlwong Phu Ga Hlong (currently famous for his amulets), uses this ruesi as his mentor.

The Kata (mantra) for Ruesi na Suea (tiger head ruesi) is as follows;

Oem Rue raa Mahaa Rue Raa payakkae payakkoe Ittirittae Ittirittoe sirae siraekuroe kuroe Yaadoe Bpen Man Naa Ham Guu Diar Bang Giar Doer Doer

 ฤาษีหน้าเสือหรือพระนามที่จริงคือ ท่านท้าว หิมวัต (หิม-มะ-วัต)เป็นฤาษีในชั้นเทพ เป็นพระราชบิดาของ(องค์พระแม่ปารวตีมหามาตาอุมาเจ้า)เป็นหนึ่งในคณะปติบริวารสำคัญ ของ พระสดาศิวะมหาเทพเป็นผู้เชี่ ยวชาญในการปราบปรามและกำราบศัตรูเก่งกาจในเรื่องการรบ และการปกครองบริวาร ควบคุมดูแลบริวารได้อย่างดีเยี่ยม ฤาษีหน้าเสือมีรูปร่างเป็นมนุษย์นุ่งห่มหนังเสือโคร่งสีเหลือง ศีรษะเป็นเสือโคร่ง สวมประคำ รุทรากษะ

พระเวทย์บูชาบรมครูปู่เจ้าสมิงพราย ; เป็นภาษากูโบ๊ต ซึงเป็นภาษาของเทพชั้นสูงครับ

โอม ฤ ฤา มหา ฤ ฤา พยัคเฆ พยัคโฆ อิทธิฤทธิเธ อิทธิฤทธิโธ สิเร สิเร

คุโร คุโร ยาโดร์ บัน นัมร์ นา ฮัม กู เดียร์ บัง เกียร์ โดร์ โดร์

You can use the following katas below which are good for praying to the Ruesi.

But first some necessary preliminaries;

Always chant the praise to Buddha first three time;

Na Mo Dhassa Pakawadto arahadto sammaa samputtassa ( X3 on your knees and bowing each time)

Then chant the refuge in the triple gem until entering Nirvana – chant with with hands raised in prayer, and bow after each line is finished;


Put tang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Sankang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)


Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Sankang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)


Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)

Sankang Cheewidtang Yaawanippaanang Saranang Kyajchaami (bow once)


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  1. I am ajarn spencer - this whole post contains my copyrighted texts and intellectual property please remove it now.
