

Katha Jaya Paritta

Maha-Karuniko natho Hitaya sabba-paninam

Puretva parami sabba Patto Sambodhim-uttamam

Etena sacca-vajjena Hotu te jaya-mangalam

(The Buddha), our protector, with great compassion,

For the welfare of all beings,

having fulfilled all the perfections,

Attained the highest self-awakening.

Through the speaking of truth,

may you have a victory blessing.

Jayanto bodhiya mule Sakyanam nandi-vaddhano

Evam tvam vijayo hohi Jayassu jaya-mangale

Victorious at the foot of the Bodhi tree

Was he who increased the Sakyan’s delight.

May you have the same sort of victory. May you win victory blessings.

Aparajita-pallanke Sise pathavi-pokkhare

Abhiseke sabba-budhhanam Aggappatto pamodati

At the head of the lotus leaf of the world

On the undefeated seat

Consecrated by all the Buddhas

He rejoiced in the utmost attainment.

Sunakkhattam sumangalam Supabhatam suhutthitam

Sukhano sumuhutto ca Suyittham brahmacarisu

Padakkhainam kaya-kammam Vaca-kammam padakkhinam

Padakkhainam mano-kammam Panidhi te padakkhina

Padakkhinani katvana Labhantatthe, padakkhine

A lucky star it is, a lucky blessing, a lucky dawn, a lucky sacrifice,

a lucky instant, a lucky moment, a lucky offering:

i.e.,a rightful bodily act, a rightful verbal act, a rightful mental act,

your rightful intentions with regards to those who lead the chaste life.

Doing these rightful things, your rightful aims are achieved.

Bhavatu Sabha Mangalam Rakhantu Sabha Devata

Sabha Buddhanu Bhavena Saddha Sothi Bhavantume

Bhavatu Sabha Mangalam Rakhantu Sabha Devata

Sabha Dhammanu Bhavena Saddha Sothi Bhavantume

Bhavatu Sabha Mangalam Rakhantu Sabha Devata

Sabha Sanghanu Bhavena Saddha Sothi Bhavantume.

May guardian deities of the sky, the mountains, the forests, the earth, the lakes, the rivers and the great oceans defend you.

With the grace of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, the Triple Gem, eighty four thousand sections of the Dhamma, the Tripitaka, the holy disciples of the Buddha, may all your illnesses, fears, perils, dangers, bad omens and misfortunes be destroyed.

