

Luangpu Kumphan Wat That Mahachai龍圃康潘 越塔马哈柴廟

The Biography of the Great Teacher Phra Soon Ton Tan Ma Gon also known as Luangpu Kamphan Koh Bpan Yon (The former Chief Monk of district Pla Pak and also the former Abbot of Wat Tat Mahachai at Ban Mahachai, Nakhon Phanom province. Age 89, having spent 59 rain retreats as a monk.)

Luangpu Kamphan was born on the 10th January, B.E. 2458. His father was NaaiKen See Soo-Wong, and his mother was Naang Lom See Soo-Wong.

Luangpu Kamphan entered the monk hood at the tender age of 17, on the 7th September, B.E. 2475. He was ordained as a novice at Wat See Boon Reuang and Pra Ajarn Cheuam was the Pra Upacha (the monk who officiates at an ordination ceremony). After 3 years of Dharma study under Pra Ajarn Cheuam, Luangpu Kamphan was ordained as a monk at the age of 20, in B.E. 2478. Then, together with 2 of his seniors, he headed for Tudong (forest wandering) in the Loei province in order to further develop his Dharma practice. During the period of Tudong he visited Ajarn Sao at Wat Pohn Meuang for further advice on meditation.

Besides visiting Luangpu Sao many times, and he also understudied with Ajarn Kroot Seung Ben Pra Kao. During his stay in Loei, he visited many great masters and understudied with them to improve his Dharma knowledge.

In B.E. 2482, at the age of 24, his mother passed away, leaving him to take care of his younger sister. He was thus forced to leave the monk hood so that he can support his family.

During the year B.E. 2488, he re-ordained as a monk; this time, he followed tradition and went Tudong for 3 years. After that, at the age of 33, he was invited to teach Dharma at Wat Pra Poot Bat Jom Tong, Nakhon Phanom.

In B.E. 2509, at the age of 51, he was invited to be the Abbot of Wat Koht-Sa-Ga Ram (presently known as Wat Tat Mahachai).


In B.E. 2472, he completed his basic primary education at Banpho School at the age of 14. Then in B.E. 2479, at the age of 22, he passed the 3rd Level of Pali Studies at Wat Pra Poot Bat Jom Tong. At the age of 30, in B.E. 2488, he got the best Final Examination results for Pali Studies at Wat Pra Poot Bat Jom Tong. In B.E 2489, he achieved the highest ranking for the higher levels of Pali studies at Wat Pra Poot Bat Jom Tong.

Special Education

Luangpu Kamphan is a Dharma specialist, being able to read and write Khom and Tai Noi. Because of his extensive knowledge in Dharma and Pali chanting, he was always invited to lead and teach other monks, beginning from B.E. 2490.

Expert Teacher

He was the one of the most well-known and popular Dharma teachers in Northeastern Thailand and when he was alive, he was also the most respected monk in the Nakhon Phanom province.

Luangpu Kamphan also wrote many Dharma poems in the language of Isan (Northeast Thailand). All his poetry is well-known in Isan because besides being easy to understand, he is also an expert in Vipassana meditation (taught by Ajarn Sao) and he was also the meditation teacher for Wat Pa Maha Chai, Wat Sang Pra-in and Wat Pu Pan Dan Sao Koi.

During his lifetime, he helped to build and reconstruct many temples in the Isan region, besides engaging in various charity works.

Summary of His Achievements

B.E. 2509: Luangpu Kamphan was invited to become the abbot of Wat Koht-Sa-Gaa Raam (Wat Tat Mahachai), a post he held till his passing in B.E. 2546.

B.E. 2509: He was promoted to become the Chief Monk of district Mahachai

B.E. 2518: He became the Assistant Chief Monk of district Pla Pak

B.E. 2519: He was nominated as Pra Upacha (Preceptor)

B.E. 2519: He became Head of the Dharma School (Dharma and Pali) in district Pla Pak

B.E. 2531: He became the Chief Monk Monk of district Pla Pak

B.E. 2542: He became the Senior Advisor of district Pla Pak

Other Achievements

B.E. 2518: He was officially promoted to a Grade 3 Dharma teacher

B.E. 2520: He was officially promoted to a Grade 2 Dharma teacher

B.E. 2528: He was officially promoted to a Top Grade Dharma teacher

B.E. 2535: He was bestowed the title of Prasoon-ton Tan-ma Gon by His Majesty, the King of Thailand

Charity Accomplishments

B.E. 2492: Chairman in charge of rebuilding the Ubosot of Wat Pra Poot Baat Jom Tong

B.E. 2494: Chairman in charge of rebuilding the bell tower of Wat Pra Poot Baat Jom Tong

B.E. 2498: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to re-build Wat Mahachai

B.E. 2500: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to re-build the ‘Miraculous Buddha Image’ of Wat Mahachai

B.E. 2514: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to re-build the Buddha RelicPagoda in Wat Mahachai

B.E. 2520: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the Ubosot in WatMahachai

B.E. 2524: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the surrounding wall of Wat Mahachai

B.E. 2527: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the monks’ cells

B.E. 2527: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to re-build the Wat Pa Mahachai and Wat Arayankam

B.E. 2528: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the extension of monks’ cells

B.E. 2534: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the Tumkorsitwitaya Secondary School for the underprivileged

B.E. 2536: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the Tummagonweethaya Secondary School

B.E. 2537: Chairman in charge of creating the big Buddha image called the Gagroon Buddha for Wat Sarn Phra In

B.E. 2537: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the Mahachai Witthayakom Secondary School for the underprivileged

B.E. 2545: Chairman in charge of leading people in Mahachai to build the Pla Pak hospital

Besides all these extensive charity works, Luangpu Kamphan also helped many government sectors to raise funds for the police force, army and various other public facilities.

Therefore, it’s not difficult to see why the great Luangpu Kamphan is so well-respected by everyone in the Nakhon Phanom province. In fact, many local Thais venerate him as a living Arahant.

(Wat Kosadaram was home to another important northeastern Buddhist monk, Luang Pu Kumpan Kosapanya. Within the compound, the Phra That Mahachai houses holy Buddha relics, the largest wooden engraved Buddha image, and the region’s most exquisite wall murals. Buddhist devotees visit the Achan Bua Temiyo Museum to view his personal items and pay respect to his corpse, which miraculously doesn’t decompose though it was never chemically treated.)

Unfortunately, Luangpu Kamphan passed away peacefully on the 24th November, B.E. 2546, at 01.59hr, in his kuti. He was 88, having spent a total of 58 rain retreats in his lifetime.

Prayer for all Luangpu Kumphan Amulet's:

Loop Rak Thay Ku Tor

*Nakhon Phanom province is one of important of I-San which it old name called "Sri Kotrabun Kingdom". Later, The King's Rama I extend the area to capital city of Laos "Vientiane". Which The King's Rama I changed the name from "Sri Kothabul Kingdom" to "Marukhanakhon". Nakhon Phanom is oldest provinces near the Mae Kong River and various of culture and Thai Arts.



龍圃康潘生於佛歷2458年/陽歷1915年,他在那空巴農府乃最受尊敬的當代高僧之一,(那空巴農府有兩位最受尊敬的高僧, 阿贊瓚和他)龍圃康潘於17歲出家,剃度師是烏巴查川,他在烏巴查川的佛法教導下讀了3年后,為了更深入了解佛法就和2位師兄到黎府修行森林苦行(頭陀僧)。 在當時也拜入著名的頭陀僧阿贊叟(Ajarn Sao,泰寮地區森林派傳統導師的著名大師)的門下,跟隨著阿贊叟修行更深奧的禪定法門。

在24歲時,由於他的母親過世,弟妹還小,需要有人照顧。逼使他不得不還俗,以工作來照顧弟妹的生活。就這樣過了6年, 當弟妹都長大了已有能力照顧自己后,龍圃康潘重回佛門繼續頭陀僧的生活,修行深奧的禪定法門。


在51歲時, 由於他精湛的佛法和禪定。他被委任為瓦摳薩卡然也就是現今的越塔馬哈柴的主持。小弟從別的高僧口中聽說,龍圃康潘是擁有能和龍王交流溝通能力的泰國三名高僧之一。他也在佛歷2535年時被泰王親自冊封名為帕孫通達馬公上師。



The Biography of the Great Teacher Phra Soon Ton Tan Ma Gon also known as Luangpu Kamphan Koh Bpan Yon

(The former Chief Monk of district Pla Pak and also the former Abbot of Wat Tat Mahachai at Ban Mahachai, Nakhon Phanom province. Age 89, having spent 59 rain retreats as a monk.)

