

慈悲而博學的泰南師父 - Maha Chat

Maha Chat

 是一位年近中年修為深厚的師父,是 Wat Molelimit 第 10 任住持,位於泰國北大年府,那裡是有名的『炸彈區』,因為獨立事件的關係,局勢動盪不安,常常發生爆炸事件,一般人都不太敢前往。


Maha Chat 師承龍波通 LP Thong(現今泰國製作龍普托極有名的師父)同時也是瓦滄海昭坤 Ruan 的弟子。

在師父 23 歲入瓦滄海寺為僧前曾服過兩年兵役,之後師父便不斷地努力學習巴利文和佛教經文、經典,在泰國至少通過 3 級巴利文才有資格被稱為" Maha ",而師父在 31 歲時就已經有資格被稱作" 波譚 Porthan ",並且因為師父修行有成、品德兼優,是故同年僧王委任其為 Wat Molelimit 的住持。但師父為人十分低調,他覺得自己還太年輕(現年 41 歲)喜歡信徒和外國人稱他'' Maha "而非" 波譚 Porthan ",目前師父是 2 級 Phraku( Phraku 意即和尚的師父)。

Maha Chat 的法門與瓦滄海 Wat Changhai、瓦三砲車 Wat Sampaucher 以及瓦賽考 Wat Sai Kao 同屬一脈,在加持龍普托的法會上師父也常是受邀的僧眾之一,尤其又以老虎法門為最,是故聖物也有助長權威、祛邪之效!

Maha Chat 也是一位博學的師父,除了上述法門外師父也精通黑法!


此外,師父自13歲起便廣向眾多師父學習柬埔寨以及穆斯林法術。在泰南境內由於地緣和人文關係有大批的伊斯蘭教徒居住,在北大年府,他們(穆斯林)目前與佛教國家-泰國-處於敵對而且緊張的狀態。師父雖然身為佛教徒,但仍然被 Khok Pho 縣的穆斯林和佛教徒所敬重,在那裡沒有一位佛教徒是像他這樣的!這不單單因為 Maha Chat 是一位修行很好的師父,而且也出自於他善於幫助別人、慈悲以及具有權威的人格特質,而這些特質則來自其寬容的家庭背景 - 師父的兄弟姊妹都是穆斯林 - 在某個程度上,這也說明了為甚麼師父能泰然地身處這兩種對立而緊張的位置。

Maha Chat 常在泰國及馬來西亞兩地奔走,為當地信眾免費加持、祈福及解降,關於師父替信徒解降避禍的事蹟有幾件非常值得一提,而且也有師兄在場陪同並見證整個過程,像是降伏受人操控、訓練有素會前往搬運他人錢財(類似五鬼運財)的小鬼,為遭受特殊情降而苦的人解降等等,但因為詳細內容過長而且牽涉到當地的政府官員,所以不在這裡多作敘述。





Maha Chat 在加持聖物時會拿出兩顆大寶石,師父說這是他年輕時在荒山打坐入定時當地的地神告訴他他所處的位置底下有一批無價之寶,後來師父出定後動手挖掘,發現了寶石,於是便拿來使用。根據在場親眼目睹的師兄轉述,這兩顆大寶石十分特別,即便請對寶石鑑定經驗甚豐的友人來看也看不出是甚麼物質,據推測極有可能是Langkasuka時期遺留下的文物…而且光打下去,原本晶亮的寶石會散發出藍光。


Wat Molelimit: An Introduction

Wat Molelimit is located in the district of Khok Pho in the Province of Pattani, Thailand. The town of Khok Pho is about the size of Simpang Renggam, Johor, Malaysia. Many famous temples including Wat Changhai, Wat Saikow and Wat Hui Ngor are located within the district of Khok Pho. The population in Pattani is predominantly Muslim (about 80%).

Wat Molelimit is located in a poor rural area within the district of Khok Pho. There are a total of 82 major temples in Pattani Province including Wat Molelimit.

Front entrance, Wat Molelimit, to the left of the front entrance is the worn out 80+ years old Ubasot (ceremonial hall).
The worn out Ubasot at Wat Molelimit

View from the front entrance of Wat Molelimit, at the end of the road is the crematorium; to the right is the canteen.
The statue of Jatukam Ramathep, the building behind is the kuti and guest hall of Maha Chat.

Inside the guest hall of Wat Molelimit

Maha Chat pumping the KP-KC amulets in the guest hall

Wat Molelimit: An Introduction II

The kuti of the deputy abbot adjacent to the guest hall and kuti of Maha Chat

The monks’ quarter behind the guest hall
The progress of construction of the Sala (main hall) of Wat Molelimit in Nov 2009Our contribution: The progress of the construction of the Sala in June 2010. The plaster ceiling and lightings has been completed and the wood planks for the flooring have been purchased awaiting installation.

Maha/Porthan Chat: An Introduction

Maha Chat/Porthan Chat served in the army for 2 years before being ordained at Wat Changhai at the age of 23. He has progress rapidly in his Pali and Buddhist scripture studies and has currently passed 4 of the 9 stages of the Pali language test (any monk passing at least the 3rd level of the Pali test qualify to be called Maha). He is currently a 2nd level Phraku and is one of the top ranking monks in Pattani after the 5 Chao Khun (amongst other, the Chao Khun of Wat Changhai and the Chao Khun of Wat Sampaucher, LP Thong, both of whom are the guru of Maha Chat) in Pattani. Any monk attaining the 1st level of Phraku by examination (not conferred by public) is qualified to be addressed as Porthan.

The shy Maha always preferred to be addressed as Maha Chat instead of Than Chat by foreigners as he opines that he is too young (41 years old currently) to be addressed as such although he has qualified at the age of 31 and local monks and devotees do addressed him as Than Chat in Pattani. He assumed the position as the 10th abbot of Wat Molelimit at the age of 31 due to his qualification and after consulting the oracles from the local guardian deity of Wat Molelimit.

Besides his official qualification in Buddhist studies, Maha Chat is also highly skilled in the magical art of Khmer, Siamese and Muslim tradition having learnt from various masters since the age of 13.

Although being a Buddhist monk and contrary to the current tension between the Muslim and Buddhist community in Pattani, Maha Chat is well respected by both the Muslim and Buddhist community in Khok Pho. The non-Buddhist respected him as a person (not because he is a monk but for his helpful, loving and authoritative personality).

The good Maha hailed from a liberal family background with sisters and brothers being Muslim, which, in a way may explained why he fits in perfectly well in an otherwise tension environment.

People from all over Khok Pho would come and seek his help in various aspect of their life irrespective of faith, and this is an indication of his amnak (power) and metta and the good Maha is very happy with his current livelihood being able to help the masses and has expressed his intention and dedication to continue serving in the Sangha.
Brochure of the Jatukam Ramathep amulets issued by Wat Molelimit.

LP Thong (Chao Khun) of Wat Sampucher, Chao Khun Reun of Wat Changhai and LP Keaw of Wat HuiNgor consecreted this batch of amulets amongst other eminent monks.
LP Thong (Chao Khun) of Wat Sampucher, Chao Khun Reun of Wat Changhai and LP Keaw of Wat HuiNgor consecreted this batch of amulets amongst other eminent monks.

Khun Paen-Khun Chang, Maha Chat, Wat Molelimit.

Let’s continue to give a helping hand to complete the Main Hall of Wat Molelimit. You have seen above the result of our collective contribution to the construction so far. Your support and merit towards this is very much appreciated.

