

Naga Eye Stone ( BANGFAI )龙珠石

Differentiate a real/fake Naga Eye Stone

When the actual product is the value then there's fake replaces. For the market will have the fake more than a real.

The sources for production believed Naga Eye is the property of the serpent in caves bowels at the Central Mekong River and surrounding area.

Naga Eye protection hides rock; called serpent’s cover stone. The counterfeit product is counterfeit both Naga Eye and cover stone.

Difference and reconciliation of Naga Eye

Fake of Naga Eye
1) The counterfeiting as the cheaper price made from plastic, acrylic, crystal, which is lightweight, the blame, air bubble, scratches from the factory process.

2) Fake a realistic by the Russian led a diamond to be formed not gems and led to the cave attracted to the smell of soil and vapor caves.

3) Look through and see superficial. (The fake one is a fake just like real product)

How to identify products?
1) To bring Naga Eye wipe out strength to each other if a counterfeit is dented but for the genuine one is not dented and slippery.

2) Binding energy (Not all pieces and all people available) using thumb and index finger of non-dominant arm to San Naga Eye light; and the concentration will occur is a powerful feeling that perhaps something likes the heart or a dance to go bankrupt.

Two methods make the Cover stone’s Naga Eye
1) Calcareous ash and other then made to the old brought it into the cave for a long time then the rods will break very hard.

2) Clay took to the fire and water in the cave for a long time when pounds are fragile and thin peel.

For the genuine is layered sandstone, each piece as diverse; when the pounds are powder gradient to Naga Eye, as for the sandstone is reddish brown which the simulation method is quite difficult.

Sometimes the fake one that bring the geniuses’ cover stone put the fake of Naga Eye by cutting or drilling the original out and put the fake instead which we observed are mark connected or plug; if the pounds can be seen more clearly.

***100% Authentic All Naga Eye at Our Store*****

Authentic-100% Guarantee Naga Eye
This is Big FAMOUS Gems stone NAGA EYE BUDDHA AMULET. Welcome to my auction; this is a Real NAGA EYE Gem Stone. It is noblest and elegance item. It is very beautiful and item is more bright that the picture. These stones will look superb and chance to addition to any gem collection or for make jewelry. This item occurs in bands of nice colors NAGA EYE Stone, and very smooth edge and top, and oval flat back with nice sparkle.

NAGA EYE is a nature stone and is one of the gem stones that used in temple for made an amulet. Naga eye is found in many river floor bottom, but the most prized Naga eye is in deep caves of the 'Mekong River' which pass Thailand, Burma, and Laos. It is very rare, high quality, value Buddha and very excellent item for your collection.

In Thailand some people to have faith in this Naga stone can bring lucky for owner. It is the best items for amulet collector. Because you will having good health and have a mystical powers, the gem stone is believed to banish fear or evil, depression, reduce fever and is believed to be excellent for eyes or vision. If you want more information or have question, please email to us. I will answer any question you might have to the best of my ability. Check my feedback and you will see I make every effort to please my customers.

The discovery place were Gemstone of NAGA EYE often found in the caves in the deep forest such as cave in the northeast sector of Khon Kaen province or cave in Phu Phan mountains at Sakon Nakhon Province believed was a place of mystery as the serpent and city bowels of the holy cave. The features of diamond serpent that resembles a pebble with in the vitreous, a flat surface, round spell shape have high strength difficult to cut. There are several small multicolored, each color will have features for possession of difference believed that “Diamond Serpent” is the holy relics which are the thousands or thousands of years and had protected by serpent or hermit and also had calling name many names; Diamond Serpent, Diamond Nagar, Srinagar Glass Gem, Nagar Gem, etc.

For Searching “Diamond Serpent or Naga Eye” which is the property of the serpent. Only the person who has merit can be discovered and get it to worship because these things will stay with the philanthropist and the person who has moral only. And even knew the diamond serpent in anywhere, but if entering to get without the deity who took care was not allow, the deity will destine the intruders occurred to lose. Once a time, would have been the villagers to carry the stone serpent down, but can’t take. Because serpent closed the cave or found python likes big room thwarted the cave. At this time the news of “Diamond Serpent” release, why the properties of a diamond serpent Wang Bowels out. Because the grandfather serpent would like to create the temple donation with philanthropy and allow to give them out. The person who get diamond serpent from merit will have to pray for the virtue. The serpent in each rock mass has a diamond serpent seed and the color of each diamond will depend on what the mental prayer itself. It’s too strange that it will come out as a color is.

For the people who own the diamond serpent, they must have omen to tell who have circular life related with the bowels before. Diamond Serpent has totally 9 colors and most of them will ferrule to protect humanitarian fortune. Because every diamond serpent seed has angel to protect. The properties of serpent were seen as round or oval. From the word of “Phaya grandfather Sudtothana Serpent King”, the true diamonds of these are scale off, and then use the soil and sand prevented the mantle failing to the floor. A thousands years ago, those mantles had become a rock and within a rock turn into a pebble. The color of diamond serpent was red, green, pink, blue, indigo, navy blue, yellow, white and purple. Each color will have a different powerful and power meaning.

White Color:-

- Occurred from the serpent make painstaking with long practice mental concentration.

- Are relatively pure and clean.

- Have a powerful effect concentration but hardly in mercy.

- Who has possessed to enhance the power of concentration?

- Have mental concentration, peace and stability constituted the intelligence signal, respectively.

- Have to progress in the fair, called the pure fair power and results in mercy both himself and others.

- Attractive people around himself very well, who has been close feel comfortable.

- Occupant to be a reasonable fair practice and must to create a reasonable merit with a generous sacrifice.

Red Color:-

- This color is the color of powerful. Have reverence power for those who meet.
- Used for building purposeful, created the courage encouragement.
- Have more formidable confidence caused self-confident and assertive thinking.
- Because red color is the color of serpent king of head-leader class likes the leader of military government. Likes a knight to protect the bowels, would have the extremely powerful.

- So, it’s suitable for the person who fond the power of contemplation meditation.

- For the leadership, will help to promote dignified splendor but that person must be a moral in mind because also effect for protected escape, help and secure from the dangers; are not taken in any wrong way.

Pink Color:-

- Most of the occurrence was from the female serpent king.

- Suitable for female because it can attractive to the opposite sex. Due to have the great power in the mercy popularity.

- Build the unique dignified splendor for those who meet.

- Attractive others. Have a good fortune, reputation, honor and wealth. Even if, it’s the dark pink. If it’s quite rare, will attractive for anyone who love will be passionate and anyone who meet will be desired because it has drawing power in the various good ways.

- Suitable for the people who want a dignified distinction and attractive charm from someone else.

Purple Color:-

- This color has a power in the way of appeal money and friendship.

- Help to create the deeply fascination and desirable. To be a lover of people.

- Someone misunderstand that purple color is the color of widow. So, they didn’t want. But the fact is the color of acceptable for all parties, build the friendship and thoughtful for everybody who meet and talk in the good ways.

- Who is the owner will happy in mind, fresh and peace.

- Help to prevent from demon and black magic.

Yellow Color:-

- Ranging color from light yellow until yellow like Topaz or Amber.

- Is the attractive color, bring a good fortune and luck as well as the power from the dark of color. Dark yellow is for mercy popularity and is the color of mental practice concentration. The person who own like to have merits, interesting in Karma and love to help others. Apart from appeal good fortune and money, will create the progress in duty and assignment.

- Have a smoothly in life, without obstacles because yellow color is the color of dependence and welcome supporting.

- Suitable for the person who want to have the smoothly duty and fulfill in property such as money and any desires as you wish.

Green Color:-

- Related with God, Brahma and soul of a powerful psychological like a wishing crystal as you want. Relief that the holy will have the mercy to help and support. May be useful to communicate with the different other worlds because green diamond serpent will help with the mental concentration.

- Have power; make the mental peace, faster concentration and stability easily. Also help to protect and save.

- If the color is quite dark or dark, will have the great power both merit power and supernatural power

- Intellectual knowledge is like councilor who has knowledge and strong magic. Reliable and ensure the respectively for those who heard with fair.

Blue and Navy Blue Color:-

- This color is the color of King Class who is the leader, high governor, has the great power or concerned in dynasty. Must to build and accumulate the merit in long ago. Only those who can acquire the ownership and must have a moral in normal. Otherwise, may fail to loss in life.

- Suitable acquired person will help to promote both prestige and power, protect from the enemy, respectively from others, create a wealth to support the prestige and have long life because god is sacred to maintain coverage. Also have the agility in everything.

Orange Color:-

- This color is protecting from weapons.

- Used for worship and also be the body decoration. If not, brought the diamond serpent in the small pedestal on the water and worship with water or juice. When will take it to use, invitation with the common language which good auspicious to you.

- When go to have the merit, don’t forget to sacrifice the favors to serpent because they will happy and very please in special favors. It helps to increase the pure power to diamond serpent or Srinagar glass gem. Serpent pleased to stay with a person who has good moral and favorite in the charity.

- Help to promoted into a good ways, but for the immoral people, will not have any benefit because didn’t have a pure mind.

The Naga
In the Thai Buddhist tradition, Nagas are water spirits, guardians of treasures vast and mysterious. They are most often depicted in the form of huge serpents have sometimes five or seven heads. The Thais believe that even today one can find Nagas in the depths of the Mekhong.
In October each year

It was estimated that over 500,000 people visited Nongkhai to see for themselves the legendary phenomenon of the Paya Naga Fireball's - the Bang fai. It was destined to be a monumental display owing to the conjunction of the date of the end of Buddhist lent in both Laos and Thailand.

We can predict with reasonable certainty that the crowds will once again flock to see the event and that there may be even more than 500,000 this year.

So, book early. Book now because all hotels, guest houses and suchlike will sure to be full once again and there is nothing more uncomfortable than having to 'rough it' in the back of your car or cramped up in an overcrowded bus.

For those who are unfamiliar with this spectacular event the following information will be of interest.

The Legend of the Paya Naga Fireball's Monster or Myth?

Nongkhai is one of Thailand's northeastern provinces bordering Laos, the border running 320 kilometers along the Mekong River.

Embedded in the folklore and Buddhist way of life is the King of the Naga, a serpent-like creature, who is reputed to reside deep beneath the Mekong River in an underwater city, the Muang Badan.

Everything in their daily lives, from house building to the running of their schools, factories and hotels is influenced by their belief in the Paya Naga and its supernatural powers.

The people of Isan and their Laos neighbours on the opposite banks of the Mekong are closely related - so too are their beliefs in the Paya Naga and the mysterious Bang fai (Naga Fireball) that appear every year from beneath the waters of the Mekong on the last day of the Buddhist lent in October.

The Legend Explained

Pra Kru Udom Phisaikanarak, the head monk of Wat Chomthong and Phon Phisai District Head monk (Cha Kana Amphoe) explained the history and legend of the Bang fai Paya Naga (Naga Fireball) - the natural and unexplained phenomenon of the fireballs coming from beneath the waters of the Mekong River.

On the last day of the Buddhist Lent the people of each village located near the river at Amphoe Phon Phi-sai floated their fire-boats as a mark of respect and tribute to the Lord Buddha.

They then placed torches made of a substance of insect waste collected from trees on their 20 - 30 meters long bamboo boats to illuminate them.

The people all gathered together at the harbour (Tha Nam) in front of Wat Phadung Suk Nue, Once everything was ready they lit up their torches and launched their boats.

In order to make their boats look more spectacular some team members fired small Bang fai (rockets) and the circular Bang fai known as Talai into the sky. It was then that a curious and so far unexplained phenomenon occurred - some Bang fai were fired as if from under the water, as if the Paya Nagas wanted to participate in the event. This was hundreds of years ago and the phenomenon has occurred every year since.

This story has been passed down from generation after generation from father to son as witness of these natural phenomena. It is as mysterious as it is spectacular and the only place in the World where such a thing happens is Nongkhai.

It is also said that it is not only beneath the river that the underwater town or city exists. The Muang Badan as it is known is said to run throughout the whole geographical area of Nongkhai Province - the home of the Paya Nagas (Naga Fireball's).

It is also believed that during the three month Buddhist Lent period was when the Buddha went up to the heavens to preach to his mother. On the last day of lent he visited our world. On this occasion the people show him their highest respect and hold such celebrations all along the Mekong and particularly in the area of Nongkhai Province where the Paya Nagas reside. This is the area where the Bang fai (Naga Fireball) of the Paya Nagas appear.

The Full Moon of the eleventh Lunar Month in 2009 will be on 4 October 2009, (1-7 October 2009 is by TAT made, Naga Fireball Festival in Nongkhai).

The Bang fai Paya Nagas (Naga Fireball)

The King of the Naga Fireball's are a natural, unexplained phenomena. There have been no extensive studies or research done which have either proved or disproved such phenomena. The Naga Fireball's shoot up from beneath the flowing waters of the Mekong River, red and pink in colour, climb into the air some ten to fifty meters high before disappearing without noise or smoke. It is a truly strange and inexplicable sight but beautiful and wonderful to see.

The red and pink fireballs are believed to come from the underwater city of Muang Badan, sent by the King of the Nagas to celebrate the last day of the three-month long Buddhist lent. They appear from both sides of the river, Thai and Laos at random, sometimes near to the shore or sometimes in the middle of the river. Their supernatural appearance is unlike anything that could be man-made.

The times for them to appear are from 6 p.m. to 2.a.m. on the night of the full moon of the 11th lunar month. The total number of fireballs appearing is unpredictable - sometime only fifty but more often than not one hundred to a thousand or more.

Where to watch the Bang fai Paya Naga (Naga Fireball)?

01: The Office of Amphoe Sang Khom District Hall.

02: Ang Pla Bug, Ban Pha Thang, Amphoe Sang Khom.

03: Wat Hin Mak Peng, Luang Phoo Test built this temple, located at Amp Mai. It is believed that this river area is the gate to the underwater city of Muang Badan.

04: Ban Hin Ngom. Tambon Hin Ngom, Amphoe Myaung Nongkhai.

05: Pak Huay Wang Hoo, Ban Jom Manee, Amphoe Muang Nongkhai.

06: Nam Wan Tha Luang Harbor, Pal Huay Luang, Amphoe Phon Phi-sai.

07: Wat Choom Phon Harbor, Wat Chom Thong, Amphoe Phon Phi-sai.

08: Nong Suang, Amphoe Phon Phi-sai.

09: Wern Phra Suk, Sai Ruam Chok Harbor, Amphoe Phon Phi-sai.

10: Pak Huay Phay, Ban Nam Phay, King Amphoe Rattana Wari.

11: Wat Pheng Chan Nue, King Amphoe Rattana Wapi.

12: Ban Pak Kart, Ral Kart Muan Chone, Huay Kart, Amphoe Rak Kart.

13: Khang Ar-Honge Silia Wart, Ban Ar-Honge, Tambon Huang, Bung Kan.

True or not ? The Controversy

Every year thousands of people gather around the shores of Scotland's Loch Ness in the hope of catching sight of the creature that has been affectionately named NESSIE. So far however there have been no truly authenticated sightings, nor has anyone captured the serpent-like creature on camera, at least not with an image that can be believed - its existence remains a total mystery.

Not so the PAYA NAGA, a similar serpent-like creature that lives in the depths of the Mekong River. If fact, not one but many Nagas have been seen by many people and a reliable image captured on camera and on video. American servicemen caught a King of the Naga.

Of the men who hoisted the fish, only eight or nine survive to this day. They had a reunion in Udorn Thaini Province - Thailand - where there worked - three years ago. Five died in the Laos war, many of the others have died in the 33 years since the picture was taken, at least three of them horribly. The picture was taken 1968.

The beast, with a head of dragon-like features and a body of 7.80 meters long was taken from the Mekong by electric fishing. It was sent to America for investigation but unfortunately did not survive. Nevertheless, it was authenticated simply by its capture by the American servicemen.

The experts at an American Piscatorial society examined it meticulously and found: -

1: That this was a unique creature not seen or captured before.

2: That it was a creature of the river and not from the sea.

3: That it had green blood.

Disagreement with this story comes from one of our friends from Japan on an American Navy Military base who informs us that the picture was in fact taken not by the Mekong but on an American SEAL training base in the USA.
He also informs us that the 'fish' was taken from the sea, in California USA. This information is from ET 3 STroup CRF. Yokosuka 243-7698 C191DS.

His is just a comment and so we will try to follow up on its authenticity.

Disagreement again!

Another of our friends Charley Hallman says that"it was caught by American servicemen and that the picture was taken in 1968.

Only eight or nine of these men survive today. They had a reunion three years ago in Udonthani where they were previously stationed.
Five died in the Laos war and many of the others have died in the 33 years since the picture was taken, at least three of them horribly!" A curse?

We are trying to get at the truth of this event and anyone who has any information that might help we urge you to please contact us.

So, what is this curious phenomenon?

Is it real or is it myth?

There are as many skeptics as there are believers. However, unlike the Loch Ness Monster the Naga has been seen, many times and photographed and recorded on video. This we do have proof of!

Some of the local Thais truly believed in the 'monster'. Others are more skeptical and believe it to be some kind of joke, a con. A Swedish gentleman who lives upstream from Nongkhai swore that he had seen the spectacle and had put his powerful binoculars on it and observed that it was some kind of wooden structure undulating down the river in an eel-like manner. But then he is prone to a Carlsberg or ten!

Other skeptics believed that the event is organized and that it is some kind of trick performed with plastic tubes and gas bubbles. Who knows?

The stories continue to conflict. Some say that the photograph of the American servicemen has been 'doctored', that it is a fake that it was taken elsewhere as a hoax. But why should the American servicemen want to do this? Even if the head is a fake the eel-like body certainly isn't. This is a big ... what? Fish? Dragon? Snake? What...?

That the Scientists say
In 2003 we are about to get this Myth proved or discounted - so we are told. A new hi-tech gadget, a robotic fish has been developed at King Mongkut University of Technology that can delve into the depths of the Mekong and report its findings back to its land-based control centre.

They are also trying to uncover the mystery of the Naga Fireball's. But just how do these fire balls come out of the river? This is something that the high tech wizards hope to discover - that is if the Naga allows them to!

The most recent Scientific theory, (and it is only a theory as yet), is that the Bang fai (Naga Fireball) are caused by Methane Gas coming form the depths of the Mekong. The gas rises up into the atmosphere that ignites when it comes into contact with elements produced by the sun's rays when it is in a certain lunar position.

Well, yes, but why are these fireballs seen rising, glowing from beneath the waters of the Mekong? Why do the Naga Fireball's come out as 'balls' why not simply random "plumes" of gas?

Why do they appear only in this part of the world, why Nongkhai? Phon Phisai is supposed to be the entrance of the underground city where the Nagas are reputed to reside - is the Methane gas produced by them as a natural expulsion of bodily gasses? The fart of the Nagas?

There are many unresolved questions to these theories all of which have not been proved under laboratory conditions. They are as believable as the Legend itself! Scientific theory is just that until it is proven as fact!

It may not be an important argument but if scientists join in they should be able to substantiate their theories! So come on you scientific whiz kids, back it up!

I suspect that Nessie and the King of the Naga will keep their secrets - some things are best left for the soul to ponder on for there is more in heaven and earth  Nessie and the Paya Naga, your secret is safe with us and long may it remain so.
Mekong Mystery In many respects it is similar to sightings of the ignus fatuus or will-o-the-wisp which terrified English travellers in the middle ages and is found in the folklore of many different cultures. Th ignis fatuus is a comparatively rare phenomenon, which seems to result from the spontaneous combustion of marsh gases. For many years the active ingredient was thought to be a highly reduced compound of phosphorus  the hydride diphosphane which exerts high vapour pressure at between 20 degrees and 30 degrees C and spontaneously combusts in air at quite low concentrations.

Even so further explanation is required in the Mekong case because the light there was seen rising from below the water. Gases forming in the presumably anoxic muds of the river would not come into contact with sufficient oxygen for underwater combustion, and the diphosphane hypothesis may have to be discounted.

Some of the people who have experimented with these lights report seeing a cold flame. There are several alternative theories to explain the phenomenon. For example, under low concentrations of oxygen, phosphorus vapour is luminescent and may easily form through diphosphane decomposition.

Some microbiologists believe phosphorescent bacteria, a few species of which are thought to be soil-inhabiting, cause the phenomenon. The dramatic exit of the gases is not without precedent and many remarkable descriptions are to be found in literature

Well, yet another Scientific theory! However, no-one has yet come up with a satisfactory explanation as to why the Bang Fai (fireballs) are seen only on the last day of the Buddhist lent in October. This year it was October 10th, last year October 27th!! Whatever, the fireballs appear only on the full moon on the last day of Buddhist lent.

The New Scientist article doesnt give us any new information only more spurious theories. The Thai scientists from a prestigious University who were exploring this year and took samples from the water, from the mud and the air around have so far not enlightened us.

Anyone any other crazy theories?

Send us your ideas, no matter how wild!

Wat Luang
This temple is the site of the Holiday Puyfay Tour's exclusive seats on the banks of the Mekong for viewing the Bang fai (Naga Fireball). The temple was chosen because of its great significance with regard to Buddhist history and in particular to the three Buddha images, Phra Suk, Phra Serm and Phra Sai, cast many years ago in Laos.

The King of Laos' Chief of Staff of the army, a soldier, an historian and a much traveled man wrote that " These three Buddha images, were the most beautiful that he had ever seen in his travels and that they were of the period Lane Xang in Laos�". The King's three daughters ordered the casting of these images seated cross-legged in a pose of meditation, hands palms upwards in the lap in the style of Samatirab Pang Mara Wichai.

They were to be cast in bronze, a virtually impervious metal and a difficult one to mix. It required very high temperature to get the metal smelted enough to pour and although the Monks and Novices worked full time at the bellows for seven days and nights they still couldn't raise enough heat. On the eighth day the Monks were exhausted at noon when a white robed figure appeared and offered to take over the work.

The Monks and Novices thankfully retired to take a break and eat. More white robed figures appeared to assist the first and when the Monks and Novices returned from their meal break and rest, prepared to take up the task of smelting again, the white robed figures were nowhere to be seen. They had disappeared as mysteriously as they had arrived - the metal was melted and ready to pour into the moulds!

The three Buddha images were in Vientiane until 1778 when the man who was to become King Rama the First of Thailand went to Laos. He removed the images to Vientiane en route to Thailand taking the son of the Laos King with him as a future son-in-law (hostage) for safety and returned to Bangkok.

The son-in-law, Chao Anu Wong, survived Rama One, Rama Two and in the reign of King Rama the Third the King of Laos died. King Rama Three then sent Chao Anu Wong back to Laos to take over the throne but the Laos people and his relatives persuaded him to declare independence for Laos.Subsequently King Rama the Third sent an army, led by his Commander in Chief to rage war against the rebellious Laos.

He won and Chao Anu Wong was killed. The three Buddha images were then taken by raft on the Mekong river to Thailand. During the journey a storm capsized one of the rafts but the Buddha image was retrieved until a second storm hit them and the image of Phra Suk sank through the bottom of the raft to the Mekong riverbed at Vern Pra Sook, Nong Kong Village.

There it lies to this day off the shore of Phon Phisai District, Nongkhai Province.The two remaining Buddha images were taken one to Wat Horgong and the other to Wat Pochai until King Rama the Fifth ordered them brought to Bangkok.
They were to be taken by Buffalo cart but Phra Sai refused to leave and no matter what they tried the buffalo cart could not sustain the weight and continuously broke down.

Phra Sai remained at Wat Pochai and the remaining one transported to Bangkok where it now resides at Wat Pra Tum Wa Na Ram at Siam Square behind the World Trade Centre.The Abbot, Phra Kru Pisai Kit Ja Torn, decided to try to raise the Phra Suk Buddha from the riverbed but try as he might he could not do so.

Frustrated he decided to do the next best thing and make a replica. He petitioned the Nongkhai populous and all agreed that this was a splendid idea to revive the Holy relic and bring respect.

The ceremony of casting began on April 3rd 1993 at eight in the morning and was attended by over 2,000 people. The Abbot led the parade to the place opposite where the sunken Buddha lay submerged to ask permission of the Buddha to create the replica image. A weird thing happened as he made his plea - the riverbed erupted and pebbles and stones flew up into the surface of the Mekong River.

The Abbot took this as a sign that permission had been granted and he and the two thousand individuals who had witnessed this miraculous and unexplained phenomenon returned.The casting started on the 18th of April and continued until the 21st, again a long process.

Gold and precious stones were donated and since it only required one kilo of Gold to make the Buddha the rest of the valuables were placed inside the cast. The rough cast of the Buddha was taken to Bangkok for finishing and then returned to Wat Luang where it sits in splendid repose in the big stupa at Wat Luang where it can be seen to this day.
Three small, solid, red, Bang Fai Paya Naga Fireball

Bang Fai Paya Naga Fireball - A Personal Experience -
Kochaporn Na Nongqai has been associated with the Wat Luang for many years since she chose it as the ideal viewing place for Bang Fai for her guests.

Some years ago, when the Communist Government took power from the Royal Family in Laos, one of the cousins, Inta Chao Hang Hanfah, the royal family from Luang Pra Bang, secreted some of the Royal belongings away so that they would remain safe.

Inta Chao Hang Hanfah is now the owner of the biggest Duty-Free shop on the Thai Laos Friendship Bridge. He decided that it was about time that some of these Royal Relics should be returned to the Buddhist flock and fearing that the Communist government would not truly respect them for what they were decided that he would donate them to three temples in Thailand.

Wat Pochai where King Rama III had put the Buddha image Phra Sai was the first temple to receive the Royal gifts but much to the embarrassment of the Abbot there some were stolen. The second was at Wat Sri Chom Pu Ong Tue-Baan Sri Chom Pu Ong Tue-Mou 8-Nam Mong village in the Tabor district, Nongkhai where the King of Laos had built a temple where the gifts were locked in a safe.

The third fortunate temple was Wat Luang in Phon Phisai since this was where the replica of Phra Suk was held .

The Royal gifts

Are solid gold and silver chalices, vases and assorted vessels inside of which are valuable historic relics of the Paya Naga. Teeth, bones from the Naga crest and other skeletal parts - things that have never been seen before. A pair of ivory tusks of white male elephant of about 300 years old and similarly a pair from a white female elephant which are about 500 years old.
In the backgound a carved Sandelwood Buddah flanked By two white bull elephant Tusks, various silver urns and Chalices.
A procession at Wat Luang to celebrate the building of a new museum to keep the Royal gifts
A black Rhino horn mounted in a specially made silver mount.
A fosilized part of a Paya Naga skeletal section.
A beautifully ornamented Silver container used by the King of Laos.
A fosilized crest of a Paya Naga.
A fosilized Paya Naga egg.
Another rhino horn mounted in Silver.
 A silver Buddha image 
Paya Naga teeth set in a silver Ornamented mount.
Various silver boxes used by the King of Laos for the use traditional Betel nut
An ornate silver jug for Laos Whiskey.
A beautifully ornamented Silver container used by the King of Laos. 
Kochaporn Na Nongqai bearing a gift of saffron robes inside a decorated offering to the monk at the new museum.

Kochaporn Na Nongqai, owner of the Pantawee Hotel, was invited to a private viewing, as were two other citizens of Nongkhai because the Abbot of Wat Luang said that in a former life they were Paya Nagas.

Previously there was a ceremony held at the Wat Luang attended by White robed Brahmin. At the ceremony a large almost white Bang Fai appeared, rose up into the sky and then descended to land in the hands of one of the Brahmin who immediately reacted as though struck by an electric current.

The Brahmin was convulsed for several moments. Three smaller Bang Fai, red in colour appeared and remained, as had the white one. These however were not like the Bang Fai (Naga Fireball) from the Mekong, they were solid and not gaseous.

The abbot was sick for seven days after this experience because he found the influence of the Bang Fai Paya Naga Fireball too powerful.

Kochaporn attended the Wat Luang at the Abbots invitation to see the wonderful Royal Gifts and Phra Kru Kit Jar Torn and he allowed her to take the following photographs.

The Abbot also allowed her to hold the white Bang Fai Paya Naga Fireball in her hands. She described the sensation as being "electric" a sensation beyond description that blocked all from her mind save the words of the Abbot who told her to make a wish for what she wanted before her concentration lapsed. She wanted prosperity and also to be able to carry out her promise to build a stupa to house these wonderful relics.

She was then allowed to touch the three smaller, red Bang Fai Paya Naga Fireball. This was an altogether different sensation, one that brought to her a feeling of peace, equanimity and a huge sense of relief.

The white Bang fai held Protectively by the Abbot.
The solid white Bang fai Paya Naga Fireball。

There are no other Bang fai (Naga Fireball) in existance that we know of and the Abbot keeps the powerful white Bang fai close to him at all times.
The Abbot, an orphan since birth, has lived first as a novice and then as a Monk in this Temple. He has devoted his life to it and has built it from nothing to the splendid and famous temple that it is today. He has never had any great wealth and that which he has had came from unsolicited donations. When he needed money it seemed to just arrive!

NARESUAN THAI AMULET is hoping for the same kind of miracle again in order to build the new Pagoda. For those of you who wish to make his unselfish dreams come true and become sponsors of Wat Luang please send your donation to:-

Account Wat Luang
Number 252-2-518678 Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Co-operatives
Phon Pi Sai Branch Nongkhai Province Thailand.

12 条评论:

  1. Im planning to buy one of the Paya Naga...but i was wondering can i choose the color or do you guys choose it for me? And one More thing ARE the PAYA NAGA 100% sure real...I mean are they the REAL ONE? Reply BACK to me @ Kchang2087@live.com

  2. What about black color ones? I heard there are black ones that exist? What does it represent?

  3. dear sir,

    My name is madesh from chennai,india and i want need gems stone for red naga eye items please can you let me know where i purchase original pay in online and please reply me mail


  4. hello, i've been asking so many thai's but no one can answer this question, you might know about it and should know if you're a good seller :) so my question is:" what is the latin name for this naga gemstone, is it consider as amethyst, sapphire or something.

    i'm quiet surprise as no seller of this stone knows about the latin name of it and not even try to find out about it.

    hope you can solve this question

    thank you


  6. 此评论已被作者删除。

  7. May I know where to purchase and whats the price Thank you

  8. I want to buy leklai with naga eye

  9. This my cell no. 09560853522.my email add is ayzabala1830@gmail.com im very much interested..

  10. Hello, I would like to buy 2pcs of Naga Eye Stone, how can I buy & how much is it? Please contact me by email: shoes@pclassique.com.hk many thanks!
