Somdej Pra Bhuddhachara Toh Prohmarangsri 圣僧 阿占多

Somdej Pra Bhuddhachara Toh Prohmarangsri 圣僧 阿占多


LP Ngern Bang Klaan

Roop Lor LP Ngern Bang Klaan, Phim Kheeta, SamChai
The bottom view of Phim Kheeta, SamChai. Please notice small craters on the bottom surface. LP Ngern Roop Lor Phim Kheetas were cast one by one with lost-wax technique . The melting bronze had been poured from the bottom, after which it formed a crater-like surface.

Roop Lor LP Ngern Bang Klaan Phim Kheeta, SamChai
The number one and most famous Roop Lor or cast mini statue of the kingdom is of LP Ngern Bang Klaan, Pichit Province. With its highly efficacious properties and the age of around a hundred years that make the Roop Lor very expensive. Their cost run from 1500,000 Baht up to over a million Baht depending on condition. A lot of FAKES have been spreaded in Thai local markets. And a hugh quantity of fake pieces have also been exported to neighboring countries by the cooperation of the local and foreign unscrupulous merchants. Some fake items come with FAKE competition certificates.

LP Ngern was the Abbot of Wat Bang Klaan, BodhiTalae District, Pichit Province. He lived a very long life from B.E.2353-2462, and made the Roop Lor of his own image in around B.E.2440-2450.

There are 2 major standard Phims of LP Ngern Roop Lor:-
1. Phim Kheeta which is divided into 5 Sub-phims
a. Sub-phim SamChai (3 Jivorn crinkles)
b Sub-phim SieChai (4 Jivorn crinkles)
c. Sub-phim HarChai (5 Jivorn crinkles)
d. Sub-phim SamChai Kwam ( 3 Up-side-down Jivorn Crinkles)
e. Sub-phim SieChai Kwam ( 4 Up-side-down Jivorn Crinkles)

2. Phim Niyom which has only one Phim by itself.
Phim Kheeta(SamChai) Markings:

1&2. Eye excretion on either or both eyes
3. Large nose
4. Jivorn SamChai (3 Jivorn crinkles)
5. Both hands join same axis.
6. Thick base when compare to Phim Niyom

Note on Phims: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are common important markings in among all Kheeta Phims.
Vocab Note:
a. Jivorn = monk cloth
b. Kheeta = eye excretion
c. Roop Lor = cast mini statue
d. Kwam = up-side down

1. Small holes scatter on the surface due to the lost-wax technique effects.
2. Shallow basin on the center right.

The above two pictures are Phim Kheeta's bottoms. Please notice that the bottom surface is not smooth.
Roop Lor LP Ngern Bang Klaan, Phim Kheeta, SieChai Kwam (4 up-side-down Jivorn crinkles)
Roop Lor LP Ngern Bang Klaan, Phim Kheeta, SamChai Kwam (3 up-side-down Jivorn crinkles)
The Phim Niyom mini statue made by LP Ngern in around B.E.2440-2450 by lost-wax casting technique. Around 30 wax statues were put on a wax tree. After casting, statues will be cut off from bronze stems.
Verification markings:

1. the mouth groove is straight long while in Phim Kheeta it looks like cresent moon curve
2. the eyes floating in round basins
3. slight curve at the middle edge of Sangkhati
4. six Jivorn stripes, the major symbol of Phim Niyom
5. small hollow at the lower edge of Sangkhati
6. a dash line in between the two thumbs
7. Jivorn (monk cloth) stripes are more sharper and clearer than Phim KheeTa

8. basin on the back looks more deeper than Phim KheeTa
9. the base's edge is more sharper than Phim Khee Ta
Bottom Feature:

1. small file grooves at the bottom

2. cutting-off scar still be seen at the bottom center

LP Ngern BangKlaan Mini Statue, Phim Niyom
LP Ngern BangKlaan Mini Statue, Phim Niyom

